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Miles Henry

Meet Miles Henry

An avid equestrian and seasoned racehorse owner, Miles Henry brings his extensive experience to the equine world, proudly associating with the AQHA, The Jockey Club, and various other equine organizations. Beyond the racetrack, Miles is an accomplished author, having published various books about horses, and is a recognized authority in the field, with his work cited in multiple publications.

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Cremello Horse Color and Breeds: A Guide with Pictures

Did you know that Cremello horses carry a very unique genetic makeup? As someone who owns six horses and was raised in an equestrian environment, I’ve always been fascinated by the diverse traits of horse breeds. While I’ve yet to own a Cremello, my lifelong experience with horses deepens my appreciation for their distinct characteristics. …

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Grulla Horse Guide. Coat Colors, Pictures, and Breeds

Have you ever wondered why grullo horses captivate the hearts of equestrians worldwide? Grulla horses, characterized by their unique silver-gray to deep slate coat color, owe their stunning appearance to a specific genetic combination, including the dun gene. This gene not only gifts them with their distinctive hue but also often adorns them with primitive …

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Chestnut Horse Color: The Science and Shades of Fire

Did you know that the chestnut color in horses is not just a single shade but a spectrum ranging from light gold to deep, rich red? This fascinating variety makes the chestnut one of the most recognizable and beloved horse colors worldwide. Understanding horse colors, particularly chestnut, is crucial for breeders, enthusiasts, and professionals alike. …

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Understanding Black Horses: A Comprehensive Guide

Did you know that many black horses are actually born a unique shade of mouse gray? It’s true. This initial coat eventually sheds to reveal its true black color. Join me as we explore the essence of black horses, shedding light on their genetic roots, distinct traits, and interesting facts unique to them. Drawing from …

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What Does a Horse Eat? A Simple Guide to Feeding Horses

Did you know that the digestive system of a horse is uniquely designed to process a variety of foods, yet it’s incredibly sensitive? As a horse owner with six racing Thoroughbreds under my care, I’ve dove deep into the question, “What does a horse eat?” A well-balanced diet is not just a necessity; it’s the …

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TadiBrothers Camera System Review: Horse Trailers Friend

Are you searching for a backup camera system that offers peace of mind while transporting horses or navigating tight spaces with your trailer? The TadiBrothers wireless backup camera system might be your solution. In this detailed review, I’ll go into what sets this system apart – from its user-friendly installation to its high-quality performance. Tailored …

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What Mental Traits Make a Successful Racehorse?

When it comes to the thrill of the racetrack, it’s not just the muscles and the sleek coat that make a racehorse successful. Their mental traits are just as important. So, what makes a racehorse’s mind as strong as their physical ability? A successful racehorse typically shows a blend of high alertness, keen responsiveness, competitiveness, …

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Why is the Thoroughbred Breed Preferred for Horse Racing?

Thoroughbreds are considered the best racehorses due to their exceptional speed, agility, and strong competitive nature. Originating in the 17th century, they’ve become the face of horse racing, combining outstanding athletic abilities with a spirit unmatched in the equine world. This article explains the unique qualities that make the Thoroughbred breed unparalleled on the racetrack …

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The Legacy of Racehorse Studs: Champion Sires Explored

In the high-stakes world of horse racing, the value of a champion extends far beyond the finish line. While the flashiest racehorses capture our hearts with their on-track heroics, it’s often their potential as sires that cements their legacy. Champion racehorse studs are the elite of the equine world, coveted for their superior genetics and …

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The Basics of Horse Color Genetics: Decoding Equine Colors

Have you ever marveled at a horse’s coat and wondered about the science behind its color? This article will satisfy your curiosity, offering a deep dive into the captivating world of equine color genetics. Within the field of equine genetics, there’s a specialized area known as color genetics. This niche focuses on the principles of …

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