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Why Do Some Horses Pace? The Answer May Surprise You

I’ve seen all sorts of strange behaviors in horses. But there’s one that still sometimes frustrates me to no end: pacing. So when I met a new horse owner at the stable and was asked about the pacing behavior she noticed in her horse, I was happy to help her understand it better. Horses pace …

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Why Do Horses Cast and What Can You Do About It?

After adding new stall shaving, I often return to find my horse lying against the wall, thrashing about and trying to get up. This behavior, known as horse casting, can be scary, especially when it happens to your best buddy. But what causes a horse to cast, and how can we address this behavior? Horses …

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How Horses Sleep: A Guide For Understanding Equine Sleep.

How horses sleep is one of the least spoken-about topics at horse events. While diet, training, and physical fitness are essential, whether the horse had enough of the correct type of sleep can mean the difference between a fast clear round and an unhappy, grumpy horse that isn’t in top form. Horses are flight animals …

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Horse Ulcers 101: How to Recognize, Treat, and Prevent Them

My filly is feisty, always lashing out at anyone who dares to get close. But lately, her aggression has increased, and I can’t figure out why. A friend mentioned the possibility of ulcers. So, I did some research and contacted my veterinarian to have him check her for ulcers. Horse ulcers, or equine gastric ulcer …

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Recurring Horse Rashes: Common Causes and Treatment

If the mere thought of creepy crawly mites, sweet itch, and rain rot makes your skin crawl, imagine what it would be like if you didn’t have hands to scratch. If you’ve noticed that your horse keeps getting a rash, you’re probably wondering what could be causing it and how to prevent it from happening …

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How Can You Tell if a Horse Is Comfortable and Happy?

I set out to begin my morning routine; I was anxious to check on my new horse, Jimmy, to ensure he was happy and comfortable in his home. But as I approached his stall, I was concerned. The horse was not acting right, he was a lively and playful horse yesterday, but this morning he …

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Why Do Horses Joints Click in Their Back Legs?

As a young boy, I was curious why horses’ joints clicked in their back legs. My grandfather always said it’s just something horses do, and there’s no real reason behind it. But as I got older, I knew there had to be a reason, so I researched the issue and learned a lot of interesting …

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What Should I Give My Horse To Calm It: Ace Or Dorm Gel?

Horses may need a calmative supplement for various reasons. Horses have fears and anxiety issues that can put them and those working with them in danger. Standing still while the farrier or dentist does their job or being clipped maybe something a horse refuses to do.  The effectiveness of calming supplements can vary between horses. …

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