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9 Cowboy Hat Styles: Their Shapes, Purposes, and History

I came back from vacation wearing a gambler-style cowboy hat. My grandson asked me what kind of hat I was wearing; when I told him it was a cowboy hat, he disagreed. Showing me his straw Stetson, he said this is the only real cowboy hat there is. This prompted me to educate him on …

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Horse Riding Helmets: Types, Features, Safest Styles

Many people don’t wear helmets when horse riding, which is a mistake. Whether you’re a casual rider or a competitive equestrian, a helmet can help protect you from some severe head injuries in the event of a fall. But there are different horseriding helmets, so how do you know which one is right for you? …

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Horse Riding Gear: Essential Equipment Guide for Beginners

Are you thinking of embarking on an equestrian adventure? If so, it’s crucial to gear up right, especially if you’re a novice. In the world of horse riding, the right equipment can be the difference between a rewarding experience and a rough ride. Your gear should include comfortable, chafe-resistant clothing, safety equipment like a helmet …

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Why Do Cowboys Wear Chaps? A Comprehensive Guide

I was at a local rodeo to see my sister compete in the barrel racing event and I couldn’t help but notice the chaps that all the bull riders were wearing. It made me think about the origins of the chaps and why they were introduced. I decided to share what I learned.  Cowboys wear …

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Horseback Riding: Sunglasses or No Sunglasses? Best Models

There is a big debate in the horseback riding community about whether or not you should wear sunglasses while riding. Some people swear by them, while others say they are dangerous and can cause accidents. So, what is the truth? Can you wear sunglasses while horseback riding? Wearing sunglasses while horseback riding is a great …

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What Are the Different Types of Western Saddles?

My grandson asked me how I decide which saddle to use. Being that I have several western saddles, it makes sense why he would ask. My answer was simple: it depends on what you will do with your horse. There are many types of western saddles; some are designed for trail riding, while others are …

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Women’s Equestrian Shirts for Western and English Riding

Every horseback rider knows the importance of a good, comfortable shirt. Horseback riding can be a strenuous activity, and you’ll want to make sure you’re wearing appropriate clothing that will keep you cool and comfortable. Women’s equestrian shirts are an essential piece of gear for both Western and English riders. There are many different styles …

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What Did Old West Cowboys Wear: Fashion of the Wild West

This year’s annual trail ride had a vintage feel to it, with riders dressed up in old west clothes such as wide-brim hats and chaps. My grandson was excited by all the fashionable cowboys but wondered if real cowboys back in the day actually dressed like this? Old West Cowboys were known for their flamboyant …

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Why Do Cowboys Wear Snap Shirts? 7 Best Western Riding Shirts

Cowboys are an iconic symbol of the American West, and their clothing has come to be synonymous with rugged individualism. And the snap shirt is one of the most distinguishing features of a cowboy’s wardrobe. But why do cowboys wear snap shirts? First, snap shirts are very practical. They allow a cowboy to easily grab …

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